Will Johnson
Hello, I’m Will Johnson, Part-Time Acting Instructor for MENG 287 and PhD Candidate in the Faboratory. My research focuses on soft robotics, a field that aims to make robots using soft materials and structures. I am particularly interested in tensegrity robots, compliant robots made from rigid struts and elastic tenons, because of their exciting ability to survive impacts from high drops. I’m also a McDougal Teaching Fellow in the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Poorvu Center’s Associates in Teaching Program is the reason I’m teaching this course. Outside of work, I play board games very seriously. Below, you can find some of the projects I’ve worked on.
Can’t Stop Dice Tower
I designed a dice tower for my favorite press-your-luck game, Can’t Stop, which involves a lot of dice rolling! The dice tower is made from laser cut acrylic, and it’s held together entirely with press fits: no glue or fasteners.